Monday, September 5, 2016

29-Aug-2016: Finding a relationship between mass and period for an inertial balance

1) Name: Rafael Vera
Lab Partner: Jamie Lopez

2) In this lab, we will prove that mass is a measurement of constant inertia, even with a disturbance force of gravity affecting it. 

3) In order to prove that mass is a physical property that remains constant, we must use a device to measure its oscillation. if it remains a constant period, then our theory is correct. We also must look for an equation of how mass relates when its resistant to an acceleration force.

We used a device called the Inertial Balance to measure the inertial mass by comparing objects' resistance to changes in their motion. We used a c-clamp to secure the inertal balance on the tabletop and put a thin piece of tape on the end of the inertal balance so when we plug in a photogate device sensor to a laptop, it will calculate when the masking tape passed the sensor and returned. Once the tape returns, it will be known as one period or oscillation.

5) These are the results by using logger pro of the data table. we used increments of 100 g mass to find an average period when the apparatus commences its' results.

These two graphs explain the Max and Min rate as the object oscillates in the duration time of 7 seconds. The slope explains the relationship between the period and the mass.

6) The next similar experiment we did was to put a random object on the apparatus and find its mass by the following formula: 
Here are the two objects we used in the lab to find its mass:


7) Two objects were chosen to be tested so there would be same results on our theory. As the two objects are oscillating on the Inertial Balance apparatus, they both give the same result of conserved mass. Both masses do not change over time as they're being accelerated by force. The slope is what shows that both masses do not change.

8) In essence, this experiment proves our theory about inertial mass. Since we cannnot measure the quantity of mass on a weight scale due to gravitational force, we plug in the relationship of period and mass equation and gives us a more accurate reading. 

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