Sunday, September 11, 2016

05-Sept-2016: Free Fall Lab with Mean Deviation

1) Rafael Vera
Lab Partner: Jamie Lopez

2) In this experiment, we learn about propagated uncertainty and relate it on an example: finding the acceleration of gravity on Earth.

3) Measurements aren't all accurate as we count them on a tally mark. Our estimate can be off greatly or close enough. One way of calculating to have your lab results to be sufficient to your expected results is the standard deviation of the mean. The standard deviation of the mean is a way of describing the spread of the data. It calculates the average of how close of the combined results taken by different tests to the expected conclusion; or in this case your uncertainty.

4) The experiment we choose is a free fall apparatus. The apparatus is a sturdy column, about 1.5 meter falling distance, for accurate reading. When the free fall body, held at the top by an electromagnet, is released, its fall is precisely recorded by a spark generator. The marks that are made on the sheet of tape is what we count as the displacement for every mark noted. We use a meter stick to write down the measurement. This is where the uncertainty follows in. We used our estimated guess of where the mark is and compare other grouped by using the standard deviation of the mean.

This is the data we recorded from the meter stick. Each data information is the distance from the point to the 0 mark of the stick.

The graph on top represents the Mid-interval speed vs. Mid-interval time. The units in the y-axis is in meters per second and the x-axis is in seconds. The interval in the x-axis is measured 1/60th of a second. The graph on the bottom represents the Distance vs. Time. The time interval in the x-axis is also measured 1/60th of a second.

After finishing our data points, we compared to the other groups in class. These are the results given.

7) So for the data we recorded, we plugged them in the formula in Excel and convert it in a graph which gave us a slope to what we expected. The distance graph gradually changes over time as the object falls. We derived the Distance vs Time graph and got the Velocity vs Time graph. It's a constant slope as the object falls over time. Our data is a little off as you can tell the square dots we inputted are not very specific in a straight slope. This is an ideal visual of what we determine of propagated uncertainty. For the data on the bottom, we used the standard deviation of the mean and the results shows us how far off each group is by the mean. Unfortunately my readings are the most far off results to the expected results.

8) Our experiment shows of how much error we can be off when it comes to measuring. We followed up the results we tried hoping for to get the expected results. If the markings on the tape were more accurate and the measuring tool were more precise, our error would have been much less than what our answer was.

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